15 September 2021

Dear ATS members,

The ATS is seeking nominations from people to join an ATS Working Group to review Australian Standard – AS 4825-2011 Tunnel Fire Safety. This Standard is intended to guide industry participants in aspects of fire safety in tunnels. It is often referenced in contractual documents.

The standard is ten years old this year (2021) and is eligible for review. The ATS considers there is sufficient industry support for the Standard to be reviewed and would like to develop discussions and potential revisions ahead of a formal process with Standards Australia.

How to contribute

Interested parties are invited to submit nominations for subject matter experts to join this Working Group to contribute to the review. Working Group membership is voluntary and will require the support of your organisation to attend and contribute.

Meetings will be planned as videoconference meetings, however this may change depending on lifting of travel restrictions. Details of the process and timetable are being looked at now.

As part of your nomination, can you please provide a brief note giving your contact details, your interest in this development (materially affected party, subject matter expert, etc.), the industry body or organisation you wish to represent (employer, constructor, supplier, emergency services, operator etc) the role you are able undertake such as writer, contributor, reviewer and any other information which might support your participation.

Your information will assist us in ensuring a balanced representation from all major interest categories in the development of a proposal for the revision of Australian Standard – AS 4825-2011 Tunnel Fire Safety.

All nominations and enquiries are to be submitted to ats@engineersaustralia.org.au

The closing date for nominations is Thursday 16 September 2021.


Australian Tunnelling Society