6 December, 2021

The ATS is encouraging the ATS Tunnel Systems Group to connect and share information, reflecting the groups goal of highlighting the importance of tunnel systems.

Key initiatives next year will include a quarterly online ATS presentation on tunnel systems, starting from March 2022 and an ATS seminar on tunnel systems in the third quarter of 2022.

Volunteers are needed to help implement the Group’s mission, outlined below.

For more information, or to volunteer, contact Cristian Biotto or Nigel Casey by COB 10 December 2021.

The ATS Tunnel Systems Group mission will be to:

1. Demonstrate the importance of Tunnel Systems / O&M

2. Showcase the expertise of the Australian Tunnel Systems / O&M community

3. Draw more people to the ATS community (beyond the civil engineering disciplines)

4. Reinforce the message that the ATS is more than excavation and tunnel lining

5. Develop relationships with industry groups such as ATOG & AFAC